“God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style, He just goes on trying other things.” ― Pablo Picasso
Ecclectic Gallery
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Val MacRae 2020 mixed media 9 x 12

Val MacRae 2020 pastels on paper 14 x 20

Valerie MacRae 2020 watercolor/ink on paper 16" x 22" St. John Bosco HS

Valerie MacRae 2018 acrylic on canvas 40" x 30"

Val MacRae 2020 digital print 20 x 16

Val MacRae 2020 digital print 20 x 16

Val MacRae 2020 digital print 20 x 16

Val MacRae 2020 digital print 20 x 16

Val MacRae 2020 digital print 20 x 16

Val MacRae 2020 digital print 20 x 16

Val MacRae 2020 digital image 20 x 16

Valerie MacRae 2006 oil on canvas 48" x 72" St. John Bosco High School Chapel Bellflower, CA

Valerie MacRae 1996 Oil on Canvas 48" x 60" St. Cyprian Community Center Long Beach, CA

1997 Oil on Canvas 60" x 48" St. Cyprian Community Center Long Beach, CA

2006 oil on canvas 30" x 42" Our Lady Star of the Sea Church New Orleans, LA

1997 oil on canvas 48" x 108" St. Cyprian Community Center Long Beach, CA

Valerie MacRae Digital Rendering banner design

Valerie MacRae 2005 oil on canvas St. Cornelius Church Long Beach, CA

Valerie MacRae Conte Crayon on paper private collection

Valerie Macrae graphite on paper digital color private collection

Valerie MacRae 2013 conte crayon on paper private collection

Valerie MacRae 2013 conte crayon on paper private collection

Valerie MacRae 2018 release date digital painting custom prints available by request

Valerie MacRae 2002 Oil on canvas 84" x 60" St. Michael's Church Alberta, Canada

Valerie MacRae 2001 oil on canvas 72" x 108" St. Cornelius Church, Long Beach, CA